
My name is Dane. Memory Garden is my unprofessional, unapologetic online journal.

I'm a serial hobbyist. I have a lot of interests and I love exploring them—often to a nauseatingly intense degree. I take great care cataloging these obsessions, and I enjoy writing about them at length on this site. Among my current fixations are:

...and other esoteric ephemera that escape me at the moment.

I'm also a human being. I abandoned the aesthetic uniformity of social media for this messy little blog because I lead a messy little life. I definitely do cool shit, don't get me wrong, but I also fuck up a lot. It's important to me to be my honest, authentic self here at all times. Without that level of sincerity, I really just don't feel like me.

In any case, I hope you enjoy what you find here. If you want to reach out to me for any reason (which, by the way, I would love), lob an email over to 48motion@pm.me and I'll get back to you soon-ish.

Mario lounges in a recliner in front of the TV. He looks stupid relaxed.